A Refining Fire- moving towards Perfection.
Well, here I am again looking around on the internet for inspiration for another blog post.
Sometimes I'm just inspired, other times I need inspiration.
This is one of those "I need inspiration" moments.
Ahh, okay- here's something.
Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away. ~Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
What a thought! Perfection- a refining, a process. God is refining us to purest of pure gold. Soft, pliable, and reflective of HIs brilliant Glory. We cannot do this on our own. It is through the refining fire that we become pure. It's striving to be holy as HE is holy. It's a drawing out of the dross- taking away things that are not the finest Gold. We are already made in His image- in His likeness. During the refining process He puts us over the fire. a fire that is pure love. Righteous love- a love that wants nothing more, and nothing less than the best for us. It's not to destroy, but to help us change. Someone recently pointed out that if we are willing to walk through the fire of testing, we will be refined through that fire, and made into purest gold, which is just as transparent as glass with Him. We become so clear and pure that anything we do or say will be seen as glass to Him, as well as others. No impurities will be found; no flaws or imperfection will be able to stay, because they will immediately be noticed within. The process of purification is repetitive, often time-consuming, and very intense.
Often, as we are put under heat testing our faith, we seem to believe the intensity is too much work, and we will never make it through this fire. Our human desire is to give up and retreat. To throw up our hands and say "It's not worth it!!!" Through the fire, the pressure of removing the impurities seems intense, though it's only a matter of allowing them to surface within our own hearts and minds. When a heating pressure is applied to our lives, God is beginning the refinement process. Though we often question God as to why we are being persecuted, we soon come to find that God is blessing us with the very thing we thought was the curse. God promises that He will perfect His work. So, as I see it- we can either be okay with that and allow Him to take control of our lives and purify as HE sees fit.
I promise, it'll be worth it- and He will be gentle. It is our struggling and our moaning that makes it worse. He will NOT give us something that we cannot bear.
Looking back over the refining, the tests, purifications- over and over again...I can see the patterns of His love and grace. He was always in control over the situation- I just needed to let go and let God take control of the steering wheel.
What an Amazing Papa God we serve.
1 Peter 1:7
...So that the genuineness of your faith, more precious than gold which though perishable is tested by fire, may redound to praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.
There- I ended up inspired after all :