To Nursing school and beyond!

Hello friends!

Currently I sit here in the comfort of a house, on an actual bed, in the AC! I must say, living in a tent is a wonderful adventure- but I like having an actual bed. I'll add a few pictures of my campsite in this post.
As many of you know, I am enrolled in Centra College of Nursing, and I begin classes on August 19th. I'm completely terrified, and incredibly excited at the same time!! My scrubs came in the mail 2 days ago, I tried them on. The pants were too big, but I still felt pretty "legit".
Books are also coming in the mail now too, I have quite a little pile!

I'd appreciate your prayers as I attempt this thing called nursing school!

Following are some pictures I've taken over the summer. I'm not too dedicated with picture taking, so there are large gaps. But anyway, here goes!

 Adventures on SML with friends
 The view from my window at the campsite!
 I got new glasses! They're a little geeky, but cute. 
 My car just went over 200000 miles. YIPES!
 My hammock!
 Some of my art up at a local coffee shop. 
 My "little pile" of books etc for nursing school.
And, a recent picture of me (taken yesterday)

blessings to you and yours!


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