His Love… Is Extravagant.

Instead of doing it in your own strength. 
Instead of trying over and over, and failing again.
Instead of clinging to the threads of your plans.
Instead of putting your faith in man.
Instead of worrying about what others think of you.
Instead of trying to hold yourself together.
And worrying about what to do,
Sink into the Loving Arms of Christ. 
Let go, He is waiting. 
His love is Extravagant. 
He will catch you when you fall.
He will give you wings to rise up like the Eagles. 
And Soar.

How quickly we fall into the trap of relying on ourselves. How often we think we can find our own way, do it in our own strength. 
It's then that we are reminded, usually by circumstances, that we can't. 
God is the strength of our lives. We won't get far without Him. Yet, we still try! 

His Love, it's furious. Extravagant. Unending. Deep as the deepest ocean, greater than the vast universe.  To fall in Love with God- the creator of Love itself. What a romance! What an adventure! 
All that Love. For me. I cannot even grasp that.  He has not only saved us from eternal death, but He calls us friend, son, daughter, and Bride. 
Yet, so often... where do we run? Not into His arms. But away, into the shadows. Too ashamed to ask for help.  He cannot help us unless we let Him. 
God, Yahweh, Jehovah. He breaks all bounds, all boxes, all molds. He is with us, yet on the other side of the world, out in the universe. He came, wore clothes just like us, ate, drank, touched. He is also transcendent and immortal.  Holy, more beautiful than we can imagine, more majestic than the mighty Mountains, more radiant than a sunrise. 

The LORD is my light and my salvation--whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life--of whom shall I be afraid? Ps. 27:1
He is our strength! Such an amazing thought. I know I'm guilty of "doing it" in my own strength. Not allowing Him, or anyone else, to help me. Lately I've had several lessons in humility- allowing God's gift, in the form of other people, to help me. It's not been an easy lesson! I'm so prideful at times, well... All the time. Pride is one of the things God hates! I think I'm starting to see why- it separates us from Him, and His plans, His best for us. So- He hates it.

One of the most arduous spritual tasks is that of giving up control and allowing the Spirit of God to lead our lives.
-Henri Nouwen

Parting thought for this rambleish post:

"Where can I go from your Spirit?  Where can I flee from Your presence?  If I go up to the heavens, You are there; if I make my bed in the depth, You are there.  If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there Your hand will guide me.  Your right had will hold me fast" (Psalm 139:7-10).


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